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Connect Microsoft Exchange

Connect Microsoft Exchange with MeetingRoomApp with basic authentication (Exchange web services)

Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

To connect Microsoft Exchange:

  1. Go to If you haven’t created your MeetingRoomApp account yet, do so now and then log in.

  2. Click on Calendar Providers on the left.

  3. Click on Connect Exchange.

  4. In the dialog box, click on the CONTINUE WITH BASIC AUTHENTICATION button.

  5. Enter the provider’s name (Name), e.g. Exchange

  6. Select Exchange version.

  7. Fill in the Username and Password. The username is the e-mail address of the service user created in Active Directory and the password is the user’s password.

  8. The Web Services URL is in this format

  9. Remember to fill in the URL directly with Exchange Web Services –/ews/exchange.asmx.

  10. If you wish to use this Provider to synchronize only rooms in a certain room list, enter the room list e-mail address. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

  11. Click on Save.

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