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Connect Google Workspace (Service Account Key)
Connect Google Workspace (Service Account Key)

Connect Google Workspace with MeetingRoomApp via Service Account Key

Written by Team
Updated over a month ago

⚠ This integration will be supported and maintained until October 1, 2026, but creating new integrations will be disabled beginning September 1, 2024 in the MeetingRoomApp Cloud. MeetingRoomApp On-prem will not be effected by this change.

We recommend that you schedule meetings in room resource calendars. Room resource calendars, unlike regular user calendars, offer the following benefits:

  • Automatic event approval or rejection

  • Scheduling conflict management

  • User-friendly room booking interface

  • Assigning users as resource delegates

  • Working time settings

  • Management of each Google Workspace user’s permissions

    • E.g. Free/Busy items visibility

    • Private event settings

To integrate Google Room Calendars and MeetingRoomApp with Service account key, you will need the following:

Stand-alone connection to any Google calendar in a domain:

  • The impersonation permission allows you to use any calendar in the domain.

  • The Global Administrator Permission in your Google Workspace is required.

  • You can set any Google account as an account responsible for booking invitations.

  • You can access any Google Calendar in your domain.

  • You can revoke MeetingRoomApp access anytime by deleting a project or key pairs at your Developer Console.

New Project in Google Developer Console

  1. Log in to your admin account, go to Google Developer Console at and then click on Select a project.

  2. Click on New Project.

  3. Enter the project's name and click on Create.

  4. After the project is created, check that it is active while you continue working in the console.

Enabling Google Calendar API

  1. Log in to your admin account, go to Google Developer Console at and then select the existing project "MeetingRoomApp".

  2. Click on +Enable APIS and Services.

  3. Search for Google Calendar API.

  4. Open the detail and click on Enable.

Creating Access Details to Google Calendar API

  1. Log in to your admin account, go to Google Developer Console at and then to Credentials.

  2. Click on Create credentials.

  3. Select Service account key.

  4. In the Service account section, select New service account .

  5. Enter 'meetingroomapp' or any other name of your choice.

  6. Assign the role by clicking on Select a roleProjectService Account Token Creator.

  7. Select Key type P12.

  8. Click on Create.

  9. The MeetingRoomApp-xxxxxxxxxxxx.p12 key, which you will need later, will be downloaded to your computer automatically.

  10. Save the file to a safe location.

  11. Go back to Google Developer Console.

  12. Go to the Credentials section.

  13. Click on Manage service accounts.

  14. Select an existing service account and click on the icon (3 dots icon).

  15. Select Edit.

  16. Open the Show Domain-Wide Delegation item.

  17. Enable Google Workspace Domain-Wide Delegation.

  18. Enter 'MeetingRoomApp' as the product name.

  19. Click on Save.

  20. Once you save the Service account details, a Client ID needed for MeetingRoomApp authorization will appear in the Credentials section of Google Developer Console.

Google Calendar API Permissions and Scopes

  1. Log in to your admin account and go to Google Admin at, then go to Security.

  2. Enter the Client ID generated in Google Developer Console into the Client Name field, and enter as API scope.

  3. Click on Authorize. This permission authorizes your domain calendar management

    – MeetingRoomApp cannot be integrated without this permission.

To integrate Service Account Key:

  1. Go to If you haven’t created your MeetingRoomApp account yet, do so now and then log in.

  2. Click on Calendar Providers on the left.

  3. Click on Connect Google Workspace.

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the dialog box.

  5. Click on the Continue with service account key button.

  6. Enter the provider’s name (Name), e.g. Google Workspace

  7. Enter the generated Client ID in the CLIENT ID field.

  8. Enter the service user in the IMPERSONATION USER field and select a certificate from the FILE CERTIFICATE NAME field.

  9. After you have filled in all the fields, click on SAVE.

  10. If everything has been set up correctly, in the Calendar Providers list you can now see your new Provider with the status indication. Otherwise, an error dialog will be displayed.

    Fill in the ALLOWED ORGANIZERS DOMAINS and ALLOWED INTERNAL/EXTERNAL INVITATIONS FOR ATTENDEES FROM DOMAINS fields if you want to add the organizer’s or attendees’ e-mail addresses when booking from a tablet (Enable Setting a Required Attendee or Organizer of the Meeting function). These fields can be filled in or edited at any time.

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